Despite the success of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) Best Practice guidelines (BPGs) integration in Canada and globally, little has been published about its integration in nursing education (Ewers et al., 2022; Malik et al., 2016). In health care organizations, application of BPGs has shown improvement in patient and organizational level outcomes which can be assessed in the clinical setting by measuring indicators such as infection rates, patient satisfaction, self-reported quality of life, and other BPG specific indicators. Health care organizations use a database system of outcome indicators called NQuIRE (Nursing Quality Indicators for Reporting and Evaluation) to effectively monitor and evaluate the impact of BPG (RNAO, 2015). Academic Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSOs), on the other hand, report using Key indicators such as influences of BPGs on curriculum, course objectives, content related to BPGs, and nursing students’ knowledge and practice skills around BPGs (Bajnok et al., 2018). There is a need to establish measurable indicators for academic BPSOs to monitor and evaluate the impact of BPG integration in curriculum.
This presentation will focus on the recommendations to include indicators to measure evidence-based practice in academic settings. The recommendations are from doctoral research on Evaluation of Best Practice Guidelines Implementation in an Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum conducted in an academic BPSO which has successfully integrated RNAO BPGs in the curriculum. The Knowledge-to-Action Framework described by RNAO is utilized to recommend changes to the implementation approach. This includes inclusion of an evidence-based practice (EBP) course and a scaffolded approach to integrate EBP teaching, learning and assessment strategies throughout the curriculum from beginner understanding of EBP to proficient level. The benefit of this approach is that instructors will have set objectives and evaluation strategies to work with, and the curriculum committee and the BPSO members will have defined indicators for reporting.
What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:
The Leading Change Tool Kit
Implementation of Best Practice Guidelines Tool Kit
Author(s) Credentials and Title
Zohra Hasnani-Samnani, RN, MN, EdD (c), Associate Dean Academic
Dr. Kim Koh, BA (Hons), MA, PhD, Professor, Werklund School of Education, Graduate Supervisor
Catherine Bowman, RN, MN, Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Academic Best Practice Spotlight Organization, Outcome Indicators, Teaching and learning Pedagogy, Scaffolding, Evidence-Based Practice
Organization Name | University of Calgary in Qatar |