A champion is a staff who facilitates and moves their organization through transformation. Change is often perceived as stressful and uncertain, but the most effective and successful process of change is when champions are involved, are part of the decision-making process, and have a say in how change should be conducted.
Within CAMH, the champions will bring awareness of best practices to clinicians and patients, influence groups and committees to consider best practices and mobilize, coordinate, and facilitate the development of education. Champions will also be part of a Community of Practice which will provide a means of sharing successes and challenges and continuous learning on dissemination and implementation of Best Practice Guidelines.
Change starts at the frontline, however clinical leaders’ support, buy-in, and acceptance are also relevant and a crucial step in bringing success, hence as part of our champion engagement strategy at CAMH, we focused on engaging the frontline staff and executive leader simultaneously. For frontline engagement to be supported and encouraged, clinical leadership needed to also understand the ‘why’ and ‘what’; they needed to also understand what the champions’ role would be and how best to support them in implementing change. We asked our BPSO leadership such as the Chief Nursing Executive and Director of Nursing Practice to not be present during unit huddles for champion engagement, to present at practice forums but also present to other clinical directors, managers as well as the Executive Leadership Team.
The other strategy we used was connecting with champions and unit leadership together to understand the current clinical/unit landscape for the assessments we are focusing on and to engage them in creating an implementation plan for each clinical area. This process allows the team to understand their roles better, and how clinical leadership can support champions’ roles and responsibilities.
What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:
BPG: Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints
Framework: Knowledge to Action and Social Movement Action Framework
Toolkit: Planning and Implementing Change; Stakeholder Engagement; Conducting Meetings
Champion Engagement
Top down and bottom up
Change management
Author(s) Credentials and Title
Seharish Jindani, RN, BScN, MPH
Organization Name | CAMH |