November 20, 2024
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

Making BPSO (Best Practice Spotlight Organization) outcomes visible; Using a gradual process for Introducing Purposeful Rounding as a preventative strategy for resident safety.

Nov 20, 2024, 3:23 PM
Chelsea 2

Chelsea 2

Rapid Oral (7 min) BPSO public visibility and outcomes Knowledge exchange sessions (block 9)


Linda Facey Moira Place Victoria Woudsma


AON Health LTC Homes implemented two Best Practice Guidelines (BPG)’s concurrently in our path to become a BPSO designate. We introduced the project to our staff through committees, team meetings, and in department communication; encouraging staff to become BPG Champions – providing them with t-shirts and buttons we produced. BPSO was introduced to residents and families through postings in the home, attending resident council, special events, and articles in our monthly newsletters. For staff, information regarding action plans and progress, committee meeting dates and minutes, and ongoing opportunities to become BPG Champions was posted in common areas that all staff access, to ensure optimum visibility. After reviewing practices utilized in other organizations, our teams selected Purposeful Rounding as a process we felt would benefit our residents and further enhance the quality of our care delivery and approach. A decision was made to roll the program out gradually by identifying our residents at higher risk through our Falls Prevention Committee and our Behavioural Supports Coordinator. We have expanded the percentage of residents on the program slowly throughout the home and are proud that our efforts have contributed to a declining trend in injuries from falls and responsive behaviours amongst residents.

Visibility continues with BPSO as a standing topic on agendas for meetings, ongoing information to residents and families. Each home purchased a pull up banner to display at every opportunity, information was included in our home Facebook pages and, on the AON corporate website. Once our designation was received, an additional banner has been purchased and is on display in our main lobby, as is our framed certificate.


rounding, fall, prevention, quality, resident safety

What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:

  1. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2016). Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care (2nd ed.) Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.
  2. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2017). Preventing Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls (4th ed.). Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.

Author(s) Credentials and Title

Linda Facey, Director of Care, Moira Place
Victoria Woudsma, Director of Care, Centennial Place

Organization Name AON Health

Primary author


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