With the support of Resident and Family-Centered Care Best Practice Guidelines, we chose to enhance the bathing routines within our Long-Term Care home. Champion PSWs diligently strives to improve the quality of bathing routines to include personal preferences, diversity and cultural practices. Champions had conversations with residents and families to learn about their personal habits and routines. The conversations were compiled to create a visual bath board of individualized care routines for team members. The board allows for team involvement, flexibility, improved communication and adaptability amongst team members. This enables high quality care to be provided to each resident.
Bathing practices are influenced by cultural backgrounds and lifestyle preferences. Each resident is unique and has their own set of preferences. By accommodating the residents’ needs and wishes, the care team can provide a more enjoyable experience for residents. Some residents do not enjoy the bathing experience, due to past personal experiences, so it is important to work with the residents to minimize personal expressions surrounding bathing
Our Champion PSW’s goal with creating this visual bath board was to also minimize staff anxieties surrounding bathing. The PSW created a board where staff could look at their care assignments for the day and get a quick “synopsis” of each resident’s preferences and feel confident about the care they are providing. Team members rotate through the bathing schedule to share equal participation in the bathing routines. This is a great way to engage team members with the bathing process and become familiar with the resident routines. Everybody is involved and can share their input allowing for valuable feedback in improving quality initiatives.
Thus, through improving one aspect of resident care routines, we hope to continue supporting the diverse population within our Long-Term Care Home and provide better quality of life outcomes.
What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:
Resident and Family Centered Care
diversity, bathing, person-centered care
Author(s) Credentials and Title
Sierra Giles RPN LTC Coordinator/BPSO Lead
Shannon Golbeck BPSO Champion PSW
Ariel Detering BPSO Champion PSW (Bathing)
Organization Name | Tri- County Mennonite Homes - Greenwood Court |