November 20, 2024
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

How our BPSO utilized Person and Family Centred Care to advance Cultural Awareness

Nov 20, 2024, 3:23 PM
Chelsea 1

Chelsea 1

Rapid Oral (7 min) Using BPSO to advance equity, diversity and inclusion Knowledge exchange sessions (block 9)


Ms Anna Gagne-Lapple (County of Elgin - Long Term Care Homes)


Elgin County has utilized the principles of the Person and Family Centred Care BPG to advance equity, diversity and inclusion in our Long Term Care Homes. The teams used an interdepartmental approach between recreation programming and dietary services and a collaborative partnership with residents and families. This has been successful through detailed planning, effective communication and general feedback and input from all stakeholders. Team members from front line to management were empowered to contribute and engage in our equity, diversity and inclusion initiative.
We began this journey in April of 2023 by assessing and identifying areas of improvement around diversity and inclusion. Through this, we began the first phase of our planning process, involving several discussions and formal meetings between recreation and dietary services, helping us to create a common goal. For our residents, families and staff, we shared our thought process and the exciting opportunity for everyone to be involved monthly by sharing family recipes, past and current travel history and simply a moment to reminisce and embrace differences. We called this initiative “COUNTRIES OF DISCOVERY”. The purpose was to introduce and educate a chosen country for the month, engage residents in a variety of culturally and inclusive based activities throughout and give residents the opportunity to taste meals, regardless of diets and textures, from the chosen country which are prepared in-house from the talented dietary teams. We have been successful in engaging team members through shared input with excitement, advanced research, culturally appropriate attire for the day and decorations around the Homes.

Author(s) Credentials and Title

Anna Gagne-Lapple, Manager of Programs and Therapy,



What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:

Person and Family Centred Care

Organization Name Elgin County Long Term Care Homes

Primary author

Ms Anna Gagne-Lapple (County of Elgin - Long Term Care Homes)


Mr Chris Olesiuk (County of Elgin - Long Term Care Homes) Ms Ellen Stokes (County of Elgin - Long Term Care Homes) Terri Benwell

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