November 20, 2024
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

Fostering Inclusive Excellence: Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion through BPSO at Lakeridge Health

Nov 20, 2024, 3:23 PM
Regency B

Regency B

Rapid Oral (7 min) Using BPSO to advance equity, diversity and inclusion Knowledge exchange sessions (block 9)


Mrs Ormsby Shelly (Lakeridge Health) SHELLEY HYNES


Imagine a healthcare environment where every patient, regardless of their background, receives the highest quality of care, and every staff member feels valued and supported. We are turning this vision into reality by leveraging the (BPSO) principles to foster equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within our Emergency Program. Objective: This presentation aims to illustrate how Lakeridge Health is using BPSO principles to advance EDI. We will highlight the initiatives, methods, and outcomes of this journey, emphasizing the critical role of nursing professionals in creating a more inclusive and equitable healthcare environment. Main Points: 1. Commitment: Lakeridge Health is dedicated to creating an inclusive, diverse, equitable, accessible, and anti-racist environment, a promise to our staff and community. 2. BPSO Framework: Utilizing the BPSO framework, we are establishing a solid foundation for advancing EDI in our Emergency Program to form an Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Anti-racism (IDEAA) ED Team. 3. Projects and Initiatives: Building on successful initiatives like the Sickle Cell IHI project, we aim to enhance access to quality care for the Black community and extend similar projects across all our EDs. 4. Engagement and Visibility: Strategies to increase public visibility and staff engagement include implementing a staff newsletter with diversity highlights and hosting a "Discovery Day" for BiPOC high school students interested in healthcare careers. Outcomes and Results: The IDEAA ED Team will act as a catalyst for fostering an inclusive environment where nurses can thrive to improve patient care outcomes, increased staff satisfaction and retention, and build a stronger connection with our diverse community. Benefit to Symposium Participants: Attendees will gain practical insights and strategies for using the BPSO framework to advance EDI in their own organizations. Participants will leave inspired to implement similar initiatives, understanding that every team member plays a crucial role in this journey.

Author(s) Credentials and Title

Shelly Ormsby RN, BScN, BComm; Shelley Hynes RN, MN eMBA(C)


• Emergency Program
• Inclusive Environment
• Anti-racist
• Healthcare Quality

What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:

Embracing Cultural Diversity in Health Care: Developing Cultural Competence

Organization Name Lakeridge Health

Primary author

Mrs Ormsby Shelly (Lakeridge Health)


Presentation materials

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