Osler started working towards achieving Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) Designation in April 2021. As part of this approach, the Preventing Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls Best Practice Guideline (BPG) was selected for implementation. To support and sustain the multiple practice changes, the Fall Prevention BPG working group developed a strategy to utilize Osler staff who had completed the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) Best Practice Champion (BPC) certification specifically for fall prevention work.
Once staff were recruited for the Fall Prevention Champion role, they were provided with an orientation and a Fall Prevention Guidance Document for BPCs. The tool connected staff with relevant resources, such as policy content, educational materials, audit and documentation tools. Initially the team of Fall Prevention Champions was quite small and dedicated to target units, however after evaluation of the program there are now 17 champions organization wide.
Osler has collected and submitted data to the RNAO NQUIRE system since 2021 for two indicators. The falls rate per 1000 patient care days was 5.33 in 2021 and reduced to 4.56 in 2023 (14.5% reduction). Osler also collected data for percentage of adult's screened for falls risk. In 2021 it occurred 87.2% of the time, and by 2023 it was occurring 92.5% of the time (5.4% increase). Fall Prevention Champions were primarily introduced in the 23/24 fiscal year, and the biggest improvement within Osler’s data is observed to be during the time that the Champions were visible within the acute care units. Because this role has been so successful, Fall Prevention champion recruitment is now a change idea on Osler’s 24/25 QIP in relation to reducing Falls per 1000 patient days.
This topic will benefit symposium participants as fall prevention BPC strategies and resources will be shared.
Fall, Fall Prevention, BPSO, Champion
What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:
Preventing Falls and Reducing Injury from Falls
Author(s) Credentials and Title
Kim Johnston - RN, BN, MN - Manager, Clinical Practice
Alysia Daley - M.Sc., Occupational Therapy - Assistant Clinical Services Manager, Professional Practitioners
Organization Name | William Osler Health System |