Sharing our BPSO implementation journey from where we started in September 2020 to where we are now. How we created and changed the culture in our home and remarkable improvements we achieved along our BPSO implementation journey. The positive impact on the lives of our residents, staff, connection with families and our quality indicators as we implemented: Promoting Safe Alternatives to Restraints, Assessment & Management of Pain, Delirium (Dementia & Depression) in Older Adults: Assessment and Care, Person & Family Centred Care, A Palliative Approach to Care in the Last 12 months of Life & End-of-Life Care in the Last Days & Hours. We are currently working on implementing: Preventing Falls & Reducing Injuries from Falls.
Key changes and the improved quality outcomes we have achieved along our implementation process. Pain indicator for residents who “has pain” decreased from 9.0% prior to implementation to 0.5%. Pain indicator for residents with “worsened pain” decreased from 8.1% to 3.6%; both numbers are now well below provincial and national averages. We have also gained the enhanced staff knowledge and consistency in completing assessments with the introduction of Nursing Advantage Canada RNAO Clinical Pathways.
The overall impact of BPSO implementation changes in our home include: increased resident safety, transformed care, empowerment and fostering of knowledge sharing culture amongst staff, including increased time management allowing for more engagement with residents. The implementation of Best Practice Guideline Assessment and Management of Pain provided positive changes which includes: early recognition and monitoring of residents who may be experiencing pain, prompt identification and treatment of acute and chronic pain, improved quality of life for residents, resident comfort, enhanced knowledge of a variety of assessment tools which include O, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V, PASSERO, PAINAD & Nursing Advantage Canada- RNAO Pain: Clinical Pathways.
Improved quality of Pain Management
What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:
Assessment & Management of Pain
Author(s) Credentials and Title
Tina Beattie, RPN, RAI Coordinator, BPSO Co-Liaison at Tony Stacey Centre for Veterans Care
Organization Name | TonyStacey Centre for Veterans Care |