November 20, 2024
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

Engagement Strategies to Achieve Public Visibility of BPSO

Nov 20, 2024, 11:00 AM
Crystal Ballroom

Crystal Ballroom

Concurrent Paper Presentation (20 min) BPSO public visibility and outcomes Knowledge exchange sessions (block 7)


Anna Campbell Rebecca McEwen (County of Frontenac - Fairmount Home)


The objective of the presentation is to share engagement strategies undertook with multiple members of the community to achieve public visibility of BPSO within a LTC home that began as a BPSO pre-designate in April 2024. In preparation for LTC BPSO pre-designate launch, the steering committee implemented several strategies to improve visibility internally among staff, residents and families. This included utilizing multiple forms of communication: social media, presentations to Resident’s Council, emailed communication to family members and advertising the launch on television screens throughout the home and on the announcement sign outside of the home. Furthermore, with the support of the home’s Communications Officer; members of the County Council and the MPP participated and demonstrated support of the BPSO pre-designation. BPSO liaisons were interviewed, and media releases were made in print and televised on CKWS news.
To illustrate the commitment to evidence based practice in the pursuit of becoming a BPSO, residents and staff participating at the BPSO launch wore T-shirts in the BPSO colours of orange and teal imprinted with Fairmount Home’s brand, “Together”. Acknowledging the importance of visibility, Fairmount Home is providing T-shirts with the BPSO logo as well as belt bags to all staff members who have completed the Best Practice Champions’ training.
With this strategy, Kingston and the southern Frontenac community has received education on the purpose of becoming a BPSO pre-designate. Residents and their families are now aware of the impact of implementing best practice guidelines and where Fairmount Home wants to improve. Fairmount Home staff will be able to identify who is a Best Practice Champion so they know who to contact to seek support.
Our presentation will benefit symposium participants by providing insights into how utilizing multiple strategies increases the BPSO public visibility to multiple groups: residents, families, staff and the community.


Community Engagement, public visibility

What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:

Leading Change Toolkit: Social Movement Action Framework

Author(s) Credentials and Title

Rebecca McEwen, RN(EC), MSc., CHPCN(C)
Anna Campbell, RN (EC), MN

Organization Name County of Frontenac: Fairmount Home

Primary author

Rebecca McEwen (County of Frontenac - Fairmount Home)


Presentation materials

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