November 20, 2024
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

Enhancing Public Health Nurses’ Critical Thinking Skills in Ethical Principles through an Innovative Strategy

Nov 20, 2024, 10:00 AM
Chelsea 1

Chelsea 1

Concurrent Paper Presentation (20 min) BPSO public visibility and outcomes Knowledge exchange sessions (block 5)


May Tao (Toronto Public Health) Renee Boi-Doku (Toronto Public Health)


Learning objectives:
Participants at this session will learn about:
a. resources developed to support nurses in critical thinking about ethical principles
b. learnings from the evaluation results
c. successes and challenges encountered in implementation of the module; and
d. recommendations that apply to other health care organizations.
Professionalism is the knowledge, attributes, behaviors, and values that characterize a profession. The nursing profession is rooted in ethics and ethical values (RNAO, 2007). A significant challenge for nursing professionals is the lack of critical reflection on the ethical principles that guide nursing practice. The RNAO Professionalism in Nursing Best Practice Guideline (Professionalism BPG) recommends engaging nurses in critical thinking about ethical principles in clinical and professional practice.
This urban health unit, a Best Practice Spotlight Organization, is implementing and evaluating the RNAO Professionalism BPG by developing and launching a tailor-made interactive online module on professionalism and ethics for their nurses. The content for this module was adapted from the College of Nurses of Ontario’s Code of Conduct Practice Standard; and includes specific Public Health scenarios related to diverse equity-deserving populations. All frontline nurses in this health unit are expected to complete the module, while all other public health staff are encouraged to complete the module.
The intention for this initiative is to build nurses’ capacity to recognize, reflect on, and apply ethical principles within a public health context.
This presentation will provide insight into the development, implementation, and evaluation of this module in a urban health unit. Successes, challenges, and recommendations for implementation in other health care organizations will also be shared.

Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (2007). Professionalism in Nursing. Toronto, Canada: Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.

Author(s) Credentials and Title

May Tao, RN, BScN, MSN, CCHC(C), Health Promotion Specialist and BPSO Lead
Renee Boi-Doku, RN, BScN, MScN, CCHN(C), Supervisor Nursing Practice


Evidence-based Practice, Professionalism, Nursing Ethics

What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:

Professionalism in Nursing BPG

Organization Name Toronto Public Health

Primary authors

May Tao (Toronto Public Health) Renee Boi-Doku (Toronto Public Health)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.