November 20, 2024
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

Innovative strategies to improve communication towards the person and his/her family through the intervention in health teams

Nov 20, 2024, 10:10 AM
Regency B

Regency B

Rapid Oral (7 min) BPSO public visibility and outcomes Knowledge exchange sessions (block 2)




To provide verbal and non-verbal communication tools to clinical teams in pediatric hospital areas, in order to impact on the satisfaction of the child and his/her family.
Communication is crucial in the health care process, impacting positively on the person and the family, improving clinical outcomes and user satisfaction. The pediatric hospital areas of a high complexity center receive patients with diverse pathologies and levels of severity. Parents face high levels of stress and anguish. Strengthening communication in clinical teams is essential to welcome, accompany and actively involve parents in the hospitalization process. This follows the recommendations of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario's Patient and Family Centered Care (PFCA) guidelines, the organization's own 2027 challenges and aligned with the strengthening of humanized care.
A training program was implemented in the pediatric units, in a first stage with workshops based on the language ontology for nurses, technicians and administrative staff. In a second stage, champions trained in empathic communication will work with the teams, providing practical strategies for use in pediatric clinical contexts. A third stage includes the creation of good communication decalogues and a workshop on humanized care.
Upon completion of the workshops, the impact on user satisfaction as measured by the recommendation index and participant satisfaction surveys will be evaluated.
Developing communication skills in healthcare teams should be a priority for all organizations focused on patient and family care. Communication is a trainable skill that requires continuous effort and has a direct impact on clinical teams, patients and families.

What RNAO BPG or tool/toolkit is this work related to:

Patient and Family Centered Care (PFCA) guidelines

Author(s) Credentials and Title

  1. Paz Vásquez, chief of health humanization area UC CHRISTUS, mission and corporate social responsibility management, nurse and coach, candidate for a master's degree in management skills Adolfo Ibañez University, Chile
  2. Marina Gutierrez, training nurse, Corporate nursing department, UC CHRISTUS, nurse, candidate for a master's degree in health administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile


"Innovative strategies"
"Humanized care"

Organization Name UC CHRISTUS

Primary author


Presentation materials