November 20, 2024
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

Promoting global nursing implementation:Using BPSO to advance equity, diversity and inclusion

Nov 20, 2024, 9:20 AM
Regency B

Regency B

Concurrent Paper Presentation (20 min) Using BPSO to advance equity, diversity and inclusion Knowledge exchange sessions (block 2)


heran zhu


The Best Practice Spotlight Organization designation is a longstanding knowledge translation strategy .This program’s strategic approach has been proven to improve patient experience and health outcomes, lower cost of care by preventing complications, and enrich staff satisfaction.
Here are some methods to further utilize BPSO to promote fairness, diversity, and inclusivity:
Firstly, we should study and understand the achievements, current levels, and challenges faced by each member hospital in knowledge transfer. And based on these current situations, establish high, medium, and low or more specific baselines.
Then, in order to promote fairness, diversity, and inclusiveness, we should customize different training courses and corresponding assessment indicators for members at different baseline levels.
Also, we should create our own cultural concepts. Create a relaxed atmosphere while promoting best practices among members. Make each member feel fair, rich, and inclusive.
We should encourage members to participate in the decision-making process, provide feedback mechanisms, ensure that all voices are heard, thereby enhancing members' sense of belonging and participation.
We'd best incorporate indicators of fairness, diversity, and inclusivity into the management system, and encourage the organization's own performance in these areas through incentive mechanisms.
In order to enhance trust and fairness,we should ensure transparency in the decision-making process, as well as make all members understanding the reasons and considerations behind the decision.
Last but not the lest,we should evaluate and review organizational practices regularly, make necessary adjustments based on feedback and results, and use technical tools, such as data analysis software, to monitor and evaluate organizational diversity indicators, identify potential inequality and discrimination issues.
Through these methods, the Best Practice Spotlight Organization can make significant progress in promoting fairness, diversity, and inclusivity, while also enhancing the overall competitiveness and reputation of the organization.

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global nursing implementation, equity, diversity and inclusion

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Organization Name Peking University First Hospital

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